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the inner nature of things or of seeing intuitively

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To create brand and innovation solutions that work using the clues that you find from people and products and a tendency to see the simple but hidden solution. We aim to help you to  create  and build powerful brands.

In any business every activity of that business, from purchasing to sales, is geared up to and dependent on, one event - the consumer or client buying the product. Most businesses understand (well enough) what they do to get the product to the consumer BUT very little is known or understood about the consumer.

Learning from the whole

Understanding human behaviour is complicated and difficult. Human beings are not good at explaining our reasons, in fact cognitive psychology has found that putting words to our experiences while we're trying to judge,  impairs our performance (Wilson & Schooler, 1991).

Similarly, in a test of taste recognition, red wine drinkers were able to recognise a target wine from among 3 distracter wines as well as expert wine tasters, provided they did not verbally describe the target wine.   When required to describe the target wine prior to the recognition test, however, their performance was no better than that of people who never drank red wine (Melcher & Schooler, 1996) .

This effect has been labelled verbal overshadowing (Schooler, & Engstler-Schooler, 1990).

Human Behaviour

Insight: the inner nature of things